There is a girl that I think about often. She is wise beyond her years, has a smile that lights up the room and like so many children in Ghana, she has suffered loss in her life. Eric and I met her in May when she jumped out of the car when we first met our children. She was along for the ride as a helper when our children made the 3+ hour journey to meet us. We were asked if she could stay with us for a little while and we had no problem with this. She was extremely helpful in those first moments when we were getting to know our children and learning a common language.
For a brief moment, Eric was absolutely convinced that she was the reason we were approved to adopt 3 children in our home study. My husband, who I thought was more "rational" out of two of us asked me to pray about being her "forever family". He wanted this treasure to have a chance at education as she is smart and can become anything she sets her mind to. We could tell she was loving and enjoyed spending time with us, but I never had total peace about inquiring more about her. Somehow, we would find a way to be a part of her life, but it didn't have to include adoption.
She asked if I had any clothes her size when she saw Kofi and Agyeiwaa receive new clothes. I opened the donation bins we had brought, and there were many dresses Emmi had packed that no longer fit her. They were all her size!! She picked out a cream colored dress and white shoes. She must have hugged us a million times. when I found a purse for her, we were officially "Mommy and Daddy".
As it turns out, international adoption is not in this girl's future. She can stay with biological family and receive an education through sponsorship. She has a sponsor that is giving her a chance at education and a future(someone else stepped in before we could get it arranged, which is wonderful). I pray that she will find stability in her current situation and love in her family unit. Through her journey, she is teaching us about the complexities of international adoption, family preservation and many people coming together to be her family. This girl has so many people that love her, pray for her and want her to have a bright future. Including our family.
We have sent her care packages and letters since May. We pray for her and we are committed to love her from a distance. Eric didn't have a chance to see her in October, but our POA and Eric discussed her current situation. We sent another care package with our POA to her. Emmi picked out a dress for her during one of our shopping trips and included a blue headband with a flower on it. We knew she would love it.
Then one day I came home and found my husband with the biggest grin on his face. He said for me to open my email. Our POA send us a picture of her and a letter that made me cry like a baby. Thank you God!!! She looks healthy and so beautiful! I hope her world is a little brighter because of our family.
The letter says:
Hello Eric and Jenni,
I am very proud of you and miss you.
I know you are missing me too but I assure you that I will never forget you.
I once again thank you for everything you have done for me.
If God willing one day we shall meet again, good bye
And if you ask Eric, he is still hopeful that she might have an opportunity to come to the US as an exchange student or a college student. Our door is ALWAYS open for this young lady:)